how to independently maintain your carhow to independently maintain your car

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how to independently maintain your car

One of the most difficult adjustments I had to make after my divorce was learning how to maintain and repair my own vehicle. That was one thing that my husband had always taken care of for me. Since the divorce, I have learned quite a bit about maintaining a car myself. I have picked up a few tidbits of information that has helped me avoid being overcharged for simple things that I can quickly do myself - like jump-starting my dead battery and changing a flat tire. If you need to learn how to independently maintain your vehicle for the first time, take a moment and visit my site.

Tired Of Grinding Your Gears? Tips For Maintaining Your Truck's Transmission

You have heard the sound of a tired transmission- an uncomfortable grinding that sounds like it will be expensive to fix. While some transmission issues may be unexpected and possibly unpreventable, there are some simple things that you can do to help maintain and nurture your truck's transmission, to avoid potential issues and costly repairs.

Try the following tactics to extend the life of your truck's transmission:

Manual transmissions require more attention. You need to change the transmission fluid more frequently than an automatic- in fact, twice as often in most cases. You will also need to check the transmission fluid less frequently in an automatic than you do in a standard transmission vehicle.

Keep an eye on your fluid when the truck acts up. Low or dirty transmission fluid can manifest in noises, grinding, jerking, and vibrations. The truck may also shift awkwardly or simply not shift at all when it needs more fluid.

Check the old fluid for metal shavings. This can be indicative of a dirty transmission filter. Also, if your truck makes strange sounds or becomes noisy, it could be time to change the filter. These are usually recommended to be changed every 50-thousand miles.

Watch the CV joints for leaks. CV joints contain the transmission gears, and these are typically contained within a boot that keeps them lubricated and operating properly. Bad CV joints can cause leaks and loss of transmission fluid. Give the boot a look-over every now and again to ensure there are no cracks, leaks, or damage.

Don't ignore erratic shifting. If you have recently changed the filter or fluid of your truck's transmission and it continues to shift erratically or act up, respond quickly and get it to a transmission specialist. This could be a sign of a much larger transmission issue.

Be vigilant about tune-ups. Tune-ups are the best opportunity for a professional to evaluate the condition of the clutch, gear stick, and transmission for any potential problems. It is typically suggested that you get a tune-up every time you have your vehicle inspected or serviced, at least once a year.

Don't risk further vehicle damage or even injury with a faulty transmission. Use these tips to maintain your truck's transmission and keep gears quiet and smooth when you shift. Taking care of your transmission now can prevent far costlier transmission issues later, and prevent you from experiencing the inconvenience that a faulty transmission can bring. Visit a site like for more information.