how to independently maintain your carhow to independently maintain your car

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how to independently maintain your car

One of the most difficult adjustments I had to make after my divorce was learning how to maintain and repair my own vehicle. That was one thing that my husband had always taken care of for me. Since the divorce, I have learned quite a bit about maintaining a car myself. I have picked up a few tidbits of information that has helped me avoid being overcharged for simple things that I can quickly do myself - like jump-starting my dead battery and changing a flat tire. If you need to learn how to independently maintain your vehicle for the first time, take a moment and visit my site.

Common Auto Transmission Problems You Can Avoid With Proper Service

Your car's automatic transmission is essential and ensures smooth and efficient operation on the road. However, without proper care and maintenance, it can experience issues that might lead to costly repairs or even transmission failure. Understanding some of the most common auto transmission problems you can easily avoid with regular car transmission service is an excellent place to start. 

Car Transmission Service

Before delving into common transmission problems, it is vital to understand the significance of regular car transmission services. A well-maintained transmission not only performs better but also prolongs the life of your vehicle. 

A professional transmission service includes a full inspection, fluid change, and adjustments that ensure the best performance, prevent potential issues, and save you money on costly repairs in the long run.

Contaminated Transmission Fluid

One of the leading causes of transmission problems is insufficient or contaminated transmission fluid. Over time, the fluid can break down, losing its lubricating properties and causing increased friction and heat.

This can lead to overheating and ultimately damage the transmission's internal components. Regular transmission service involves checking and changing the fluid, ensuring it stays clean and at the appropriate level to prevent early wear. The more heat that builds up in the system, the more the problem is exaggerated, so dealing with issues is critical.

Delayed or Rough Shifting

If you notice your car taking longer than usual to shift gears or experiencing rough gear changes, you may have some issues inside the case that need addressing. Delayed or rough shifting may indicate low fluid levels, clutch problems, or worn-out transmission bands. 

Taking the vehicle in for transmission service can address these issues before they escalate, preserving your transmission and providing you with smoother gear shifts. In some cases, an adjustment is all that is necessary, but without a diagnosis, you could miss a larger problem that could cause transmission failure later. 

Transmission Leaks

Transmission fluid leaks are a common issue that, if left unattended, can cause significant damage. Leaks can result from damaged seals, gaskets, or loose transmission pan bolts. 

If you notice reddish fluid spots under your vehicle, it's essential to have your transmission inspected immediately. Once a leak starts, it will get worse over time, and taking the vehicle in for car transmission service is the most effective way to determine where the problem is and correct it effectively.

Overheating Transmission

Heat is the enemy of automatic transmissions. When the transmission overheats, the fluid loses viscosity and its ability to lubricate effectively, leading to more friction and wear on vital components. 

Heat can result from towing, driving in stop-and-go traffic, or a faulty cooling system. Routine car transmission service includes inspecting the cooling system and fluid levels, ensuring your transmission stays within its optimal operating temperature range.

Contact a local company to learn more about car transmission services.