how to independently maintain your carhow to independently maintain your car

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how to independently maintain your car

One of the most difficult adjustments I had to make after my divorce was learning how to maintain and repair my own vehicle. That was one thing that my husband had always taken care of for me. Since the divorce, I have learned quite a bit about maintaining a car myself. I have picked up a few tidbits of information that has helped me avoid being overcharged for simple things that I can quickly do myself - like jump-starting my dead battery and changing a flat tire. If you need to learn how to independently maintain your vehicle for the first time, take a moment and visit my site.

2 Possible Causes Of The Clicking Noises When Your Car Refuses To Start

When you go to start your car, you may find that it refuses to turn over. While you are turning the ignition key, you may be hearing a clicking noise. Since this sound is often heard when you have a low or dead battery, you may have checked it to find that it is fully charged.

If you know your battery is fully charged and there are no signs of corrosion, the clicking noises can be key to figuring out why the engine refuses to start. Below are a couple of possible causes of the clicking noises you hear when your car refuses to turn over.

1. Problem with the Engine's Battery Connections or Starter

One possible reason why you hear clicking noises when your car's engine refuses to start is that there is a problem with the battery connections or starter. In this case, you will either hear a single click or a series of slow clicks when you turn the ignition key.

When you hear this type of clicking, the electrical charge for the starter is not strong enough to fully engage it. This problem could be caused by bad or loose battery cables or could indicate that the starter itself is bad. A repair technician can determine where the fault lies so they can fix the connection or replace the starter.

2. Problem with the Solenoid

Another possible cause of the clicking noises is a problem with the solenoid that is keeping it from delivering an adequate electrical charge to the starter. Since there is enough electrical charge reaching the solenoid, you may hear rapid clicking noises as the solenoid tries to engage.

Because the solenoid's primary function is to convert and deliver the electrical charge to the starter, your car will not start if it is malfunctioning. In this case, you will need to have a mechanic replace the solenoid.

If your car's engine refuses to turn over and you hear clicking noises, you should first check the battery to make sure that it is fully charged with no signs of corrosion. If you do not see any issues with the battery, the characteristics of the clicking sounds could indicate a problem with the connections, starter, or solenoid. Because this problem involves your car engine's electrical system, take your vehicle to an auto repair shop in your area to have a qualified mechanic diagnose the exact issue so that they can take measures to fix or replace the failed components.

For more information on auto repair, contact a professional near you.